September has arrived, and with it, the return to work, the routine, the obligations ... and it is also the time to get the house ready again. Tidy up closets, put order in bedroom clothes, take advantage of...
The kitchen has become the new center of the house. A place where you can do your homework with the kids, cook, organize a pastry workshop with the little ones in the house, play with your family, have...
One consequence of teleworking - of which little is said - is that it has also changed our relationship with the kitchen. Before confinement and teleworking, there were many people who barely stepped into their kitchen. If you...
Cooking (more) and eating at home is also another consequence of telecommuting. A more or less fortunate consequence if you are one of those who enjoy cooking. The rest breaks (or coffee break) in many houses are used...
Whether in the kitchen of our house wave of the summer house (generally smaller and less practical), some accessories will make it easier for you to keep it tidy while you get the most out of it. Because...
Order in the kitchen is a fundamental part of your design and thinking about where and how accessories will be stored is something to do during the design process, not afterwards. There are three general spaces within a...
We come today with the matter of kitchen floors where the incorporation into the market of new materials and their imitations makes the options multiply when deciding on their design. Until recently the matter did not merit debate....
No todo el mundo busca que su cocina reluzca con materiales lujosos o tenga una estética muy formal porque igual no se sienten cómodos en la que se supone que es una habitación de trabajo. Buscar una estética...
In 2021 the Ikea catalog turns seventy and he does it in top form. To celebrate it, and also because because of the confinement we are more eager than ever to set up our houses, in Ikea they...
Los nuevos electrodomésticos de Whirpool se adaptan a las necesidades de los usuarios y reducen su tamaño para poder entrar en las cocinas de espacios reducidos, o lo que es lo mismo, en las cocinas que forman parte...