As every Saturday we return with more ideas for the bedroom renovation at home, today we focus on the walls and in particular in the decoration with painted paper. The murals They have become very fashionable because of the multiple possibilities they offer at a decorative level, charging a special sense in the bedroom if we like the idea of decorating the original impact wall.
We can use them in a complete wall or, as in the image on these lines, only in one part to introduce, for example, in a simulated form a material with which we do not count as brick, stone or wood. The key is that choosing the right wall mural can help us achieve the desired style and environment for our room.

The city murals They are a classic in decorating spaces. Many of us have in mind a city that brings us very good memories or to which we have not gone, but we would love to visit … That is what we have to choose to decorate the wall of our dreams.

We can also choose a artistic wall mural, that is like a painting and in that sense the options are very open because we can choose a painting classic or other unknown work but whose theme and tones fit with what we want for our room … The clouds are always a success in the bedroom.

For those who do not want to risk or are afraid of being bored, there is the option to choose a reason abstract either geometric or even more discreet, based on imitation of textures, for example. It can be in black and white, or in the colors of our choice always matching the set of elements that we want to include in our room.

Now that Valentine is approaching, but in general also throughout the year, the romanticism It has great weight in the decoration of many bedrooms. Floral murals or including colors of the range of pink and red that always relate to romantic love, are ideal in that regard.

Looking at summer and vacations, everything that has to do with a tropical environment, heat, sun, the jungle, its trees, its animals, the paradisiacal beaches … Any of these elements can be accommodated in a room if that is what makes us feel better when we seek relaxation.

And we close with the organic inspiration which is another of the trend lines for wallpapers in 2020 and that can be related to everything that is fauna and flora of any part of the planet, of the earth or of the sea … Here too the options are almost infinite to the Time to choose what best fits our taste and our style.
With what theme would you stay for the impact wall of your bedroom?
Photos | Pixabay, Maisons du Monde and Wallpepper