These days we are all looking for inspiration to make our bedroom more cozy. It is the only space we have for ourselves and in many cases it must be used not only to rest, but also to telework and to make connections via videoconference …
The room I practically we were just going to sleep, it has become a multifunction space in which we now spend much more time each day and on top of that we carry out a lot of different activities … That requires a decorative effort to adapt the bedroom to our new needs and, among them, one of the most important is to maintain in some way the contact with nature, let’s see some ideas to get it.

Connection with the outside
If you are lucky enough to have a door in the room that leads directly to the garden, terrace or balcony, it will be perfect. During a good part of the day you can have the door open and the curtains drawn to see the exterior areas from inside the bedroom and turn them into an extension of the stay, making us feel that part of our life continues to develop in contact with what is outside.
If we do not have a balcony we can also do the same with the window, but it is true that depending on the views we have, it may not always help much … However, we must bear in mind that among the small positive things we can find In this dramatic situation, there is the drop in contamination levels, so open at least to ventilate and breathing a little more pure air than usual is always a good idea.

Include plants and flowers in the bedroom
If you did not have some plants at home, surely these days you will be missing them. When we can go outside we enjoy them in the gardens and parks from the city and in general in the green areas of the streets, but now we do not have that and it would be very good to enjoy it at home.
OFFIDIX Artificial Plants Mini Plastic Plants with Square Vase for Office Desk, Synthetic Plastic Plants for Home Fake Plants with Plastic Pots
If we have plants or flowers in the room They will be the first thing we see when we wake up and they will surely help us start the day in better spirits. Still some days we wake up thinking that all this is a nightmare and, in a few seconds, we remember that no, that is the harsh reality … A plant or some pretty flowers in the bedroom cannot solve our problems, but they can brighten the environment for that everything is more bearable. Even if they are artificial, they are still a good idea!

Opt for organic inspired shapes and prints
If we do not have plants at home, perhaps we can compensate with the shapes of the decorative elements and especially with the patterns of the textile accessories. If you are looking for sure you have at home some complement in fabric with floral or tropical print or whatever it is that we like and that can remind us of nature. It is time to recover them and put them on display, if they were not in use we can assess the possibility of converting them into cushion covers, for example, and thus giving a renewed air to the bed.

Choose natural materials
Baskets of vegetable fibers, natural wood ornaments, shells from the beach, stones that have come home although we no longer remember how … All those kinds of elements that It is not that they are inspired by nature, but that they are part of it As such, they are the ones we need closer to us now than ever. Let’s move them around and give them a more prominent role in all the furniture in our room.

Charlotte Thomas, Fern, King – Duvet Cover Set (230 x 220 cm)

Combine with colors of nature
And finally, another resource that must also be taken into account is that of color … Maybe you have neither a terrace nor a balcony, nor natural or artificial plants or a way to get them, not even some fabric with flora or fauna motifs and in general nothing organic in your house, but what you have to have is something green like grass or blue like water or ocher like sand or yellow like sun… All colors are present in nature and that is an advantage, because although some identify with it more than others we can find it in any of them giving it a little imagination.
Obviously, even with all these efforts it will never be the same as enjoying some time in the park of your city, but bearing in mind that this situation is transitory and that before and after we will enjoy our parks again, valuing it, by the way, much more. than we did so far … If we are fortunate that the Covid-19 crisis has not seriously affected us directly, it is a matter of attitude and decorative strategy, bring out the good in these days at home and enjoy time at home in the best possible way.
Photos | H&M Home, IKEA, Kave Home
In Decoesfera | How to take care of your plants so they are perfect during this quarantine