THE Halloween decoration simple can be as interesting as a more sophisticated and expensive one. And if you take the ideas, step by step and tips from our post and get your hands dirty, the result will be even more interesting.
Even recyclable materials can be used for you to create your Halloween decor, to make all the decoration cheaper and still leave the chosen space with an incredible look in terms of ornaments and decorative objects.
Halloween Decoration
Your Halloween decoration may have candles in mini-pumpkins, bats hanging from the ceiling, gauze being used as a ghost, candy in the middle of bones, decorated food, glass jars with Halloween decor and much more that your creativity and imagination tell you to do. .

Halloween Ideas
If you are going to make a cake for your Halloween party, decorate it with skulls, for example. If you like to create handicrafts make a Frankenstein doll.

Halloween Ideas Pictures Step by Step
Cut bats out of black paper and hang them on ribbons to stay on the chandelier.

Make ghosts with gauze moistened with white glue and hardened in a ball holder.

Disposable cups can receive designs and LED candle inside.

Witch hat decorates the table of sweets.

DIY your Halloween Decoration
Encape lollipop with white fabric and make mummies illuminated with glass jar, gauze and eyes.

Simple Halloween Decoration
The simplest decor can be made with candles on the pumpkin and with contact paper attached to the door, to simulate a ghost.

Halloween with Recyclable Material
Make ghosts out of empty white packaging and LED candles inside.

You can also make bats out of cardboard eggs.

How to Make Children’s Halloween Decorations
For children’s parties make a decoration more friendly and cute and not scary, so that children feel at ease. Invest in;
- Embellishments with friendly smiles;
- In animals with a cute model;
- Witches;
- Children’s items.
Make cute, friendly ghosts with white tissue paper and old newspaper moistened with white glue and a balloon.