THE pink october decoration it must always be very special, so that women also feel special. The month that is dedicated only to them, comes full of different schedules so that everyone feels the need for cancer prevention.
Everywhere, the pink October debates about the importance of women taking care of themselves, after all, with the role of mother, housewife and worker, it is often difficult to keep up with health. The body may even show signs of trouble, but due to lack of time, it ends up being left aside. Which is going to hurt a lot in the future.
The decoration made in public places and even in stores, serve as a reminder throughout the month for all women. Thus, it is necessary to be creative and flashy to create a positive effect for those who look.
October Pink Favors
Something very important and that is often overlooked are the souvenirs. When you hand over a souvenir, that’s exactly what you’re doing: Creating a souvenir. That is, every time the person looks, they will remember you, your establishment and the most important thing: that you have to take care of yourself.

Check now, some valuable tips for you to make souvenirs of the pink October:
- Keyrings: It is always a good option and one of the most used. Something that is not damaged and is generally used in house keys, on the zipper of the bag, that is, will be seen frequently.
- Soaps: It’s a valid idea for those who want to deliver something different.
- Little bottles with a flower: It is interesting because it can be made at home. Use small glass bottles, cover with pink paper, and put a flower inside, (natural or artificial).
- Bottles of aromatizer environments: For those who want something more permanent and have resources, having personalized bottles of aromatizer is a very special way to please women.
October Pink Decoration Pictures
If you are out of ideas, with a quick search on the internet, you will find several options for pink october decoration, just look at some pictures to give inspiration. Whether at the entrance of your establishment, showcase or on walls.

With decorating ideas that can be made at home or purchased, it’s easier when you already have in mind what you want to do.

October Pink EVA Ideas
A material that is very successful in the decoration business is EVA. Everyone knows or has used it, in addition to being an affordable material, it is possible to use it in several ways to make the environment well decorated.

The most used idea in EVA, in the pink October, is to make flowers. You can decorate an entire wall, you can make small details and you can also make as souvenirs, along with a candy.

In addition to EVA, you can use balloons to decorate the room. You can make ties with EVA, or be more daring and make bra shapes. The important thing is to get attention.

For wall decoration, there are many options. Making a tree with pink leaves is very eye-catching, or just using a motivational phrase involving pink October will also generate positive results.
Decorating tips October Pink TNT
Leaving the traditional of decoration and innovating with different ideas. One material that can be used is TNT. Of course, it depends a lot on what you would like to do, it is possible to involve other materials.

You can make a small mural, covering walls with TNT and putting small phrases, talking about how important women are in society, and also about the prevention and care that women should have.

Think of making different decorations, use bags of TNT to put the souvenir inside and a great idea is to cover chairs with pink TNT, as well as use as a tablecloth.
TNT can also be used to make the symbol of October pink. It will attract a lot of attention. The bigger the better.
The options for making a pink October decor are diverse. The important thing is to always innovate from one year to the next, always looking for new ideas that call attention to leave a mark on the women they look at. Do whatever it takes to highlight the importance of this month, which is done especially for them.
See some more suggestions for pink october decoration and souvenirs: