Are you looking for ideas from easy to make bedroom lamp, to redecorate your corner? Splendid with all the models you will appreciate around here and change the decor of your room whenever you feel the need, just by changing the handmade lamp created. Even recyclable material you can use to create your home lamp.
All the decoration of a space can be modified by a special element, and when we talk about lampshade this statement is even more efficient, because in addition to the piece in question decorating the environment, the luminous effect that it will provide is still a bonus for the night time.
How to Make Handmade Lampshade
You can make lampshade with just paper plates. Fold each plate and glue them over a dome that can also be made of paper. Use hot glue or glue everything. See more examples:

How to Make a Simple Lamp
Your lamp can be simple and yet very interesting. Covering the dome with a tissue is a great solution in this case. You can also use scraps to save even more.

How to Make a Homemade Baby Lamp
The children’s lampshade can be made with plastic jars and other items easy to find, there is no need to put a light, but if you want, put an LED candle, which illuminates, it is easy to be accommodated inside the piece and does not cause accidents.

How to Make Lampshade Step by Step
You can make a pet bottle lamp. Cut the spout of the bottle to fit the lamp and create the dome with cardboard and stamped paper. Secure the spout of the bottle with toothpicks and lines. The lamp holder can even be a glass bottle, if it does not have its own support.

How to Make Cardboard Lampshade
Recycle cardboard by making a cute lamp, which can have the model you want.

Make Lampshade with Glass Bottle
The glass bottle can only be the support for your handmade lamp or even accommodate a flasher, to further illuminate your room.

How to Make a Children’s Lamp
For children you can also create a lamp with creative dome, to amuse your little ones.

How to Make a Lamp Shade
You can create domes with paper only or cover the paper with a fabric, for example.

Watch the video of kassiane klein da silva’s channel and see how to make handmade lampshade step by step. Check out the other very interesting videos from kassiane klein da silva’s channel.