Here it is 5 ideas for decorating the twins bedroom. Parents of twin babies have a completely different approach to the design of the bedroom. If in itself the arrival of a newborn in the house causes havoc, we can only imagine when there are two or more new arrivals. But it is important not to get anxious, because by organizing a little in advance and carefully planning the spaces, everything will be resolved in the best way. So here are 5 ideas, from which to take inspiration, to furnish the bedrooms of the twin children, in a functional and welcoming way.
How to organize the twins’ bedroom
The first thing to do, before you start furnish the twins’ bedroom, is to think about how to organize the space. The functionality, in these cases, is really a must. Having everything in place and close at hand will be of great help once the babies arrive. Convertible beds are the best choice: they must be rigid and safe, preferably equipped with side bars, which prevent falls and suffocation. For the changing table, instead choose a nice chest of drawers, of medium height, equipped with many drawers, where to place diapers, wipes, talcum powder and so on. Another fundamental thing, an additional seat, where you can sit to breastfeed the babies, without getting too tired. This could be an armchair or a sofa, depending on the space available.
Classic twins bedroom
After thinking about the purely functional aspect, you can devote yourself to the style of bedroom of the twins. The classic style baby room is always very romantic and welcoming. Decorate it with black wrought iron beds, antique wood furniture and cream colored walls: it will be beautiful!
Bedroom for male and female twins
Another thing to consider, however furnish the twins’ bedroom, is the sex of the two children. If it is a question of two boys or two girls, no problem, but if it is two male and female twins? No problem. You can choose neutral colors or colors that are good for both genders, such as a green or a yellow, or highlight the difference by choosing pink fabrics for the girl and blue for the boy.
Colored twins bedroom
To give a lively and original note, to the bedroom of the twins, use color. Children love it so much and it always creates a fun and carefree atmosphere in any space. The yellow and blue combination is just one example: play with your imagination and find the color combination that suits you best.
Nordic style twins bedroom
There Nordic style twins bedroom it is a welcoming and intimate place, to be furnished with furniture in light and bright colors. Do not miss a few pictures on the walls and baby mobile in the green version.